5 Hidden Costs of Renting an Apartment

If you are moving into a new apartment in another city or state, you would be worried about the utility bills, moving expenses, and, more importantly, the rent. When it comes to apartment renting, hidden costs often land tenants in trouble. Here is what you should know.

1. Renters Insurance

Your landlord’s insurance does not cover every accident or incident that occurs in the apartment while you are a tenant. Some homeowners make it mandatory to opt for renters insurance before you move in. The exact cost depends on the neighborhood, but it ranges from $15-30 a month on average.

2. Security Deposit

Landlords usually charge a fixed rate or some multiple of the rent as a security deposit before you move in, so account for this expense when you plan the cost of apartment renting. The purpose of such a deposit is to protect the landlords against unreliable tenants who default on payments. Deposits are usually refunded at the end of your stay if you return the house without any damage.

3. Trash Cleaning Service

In most places, valet trash services are provided to the entire community, and each resident has to pay their share. Since the price varies based on your location, it’s advisable to ask your landlord for the exact rates.

4. Cable and Internet

Today, everyone needs access to the internet and television. Some generous landlords could throw in a free Wi-Fi pack or cable connection as well, but otherwise, these are additional expenses.

5. Water and Electricity

Based on how much water you use, communities charge you a monthly bill for water and sewage services. Electricity charges for household appliances, heaters, and air conditioners are separate. If you feel smart thermostats or CFL bulbs will cut costs, ask your landlord if they can pay for the new devices.

These are some of the hidden costs of renting an apartment. If you are looking for a new house, make sure you have the right homeowners or renters insurance in place. If you have any questions regarding your home coverage needs, contact the experts at James Page Insurance today.

5 Tips to Downsize Your Belongings and Declutter Your Life

You may take a look around your home to realize that half the things you’ve accumulated over the years are of no use to you now. These things occupy valuable space that can be used for newer, better items. Also, maintaining these objects is likely to consume a lot of your time. This is why you should know how to downsize your belongings or possessions effectively. 

Not sure how to downsize your belongings? Here are 5 tips for you to downsize your possessions.

5 Effective Tips To Downsize Your Belongings and Simplify Your Life:

Follow the 80-20 Rule

The famous Pareto 80/20 rule applies to all walks of life—even your stuff. According to the principle, you technically only use 20% of your possessions 80% of the time. So while downsizing your possessions, remember to keep the things that you often use and get rid of the rest.

Start Small

You don’t have to hold off on the decluttering process until the weekend. Allot half an hour of your time daily and start from small corners such as a drawer or a cupboard. This way, you won’t be overwhelmed, and the progress will keep you motivated.

Organize the Process of Downsizing Your Possessions

For an effective downsizing process, try adopting New York Times best-selling author Josh Becker’s four-box method: trash, give away, keep, or relocate. Once you pick an item, make a firm decision as to which of the above category it belongs to. Delaying your decision will only waste your time and increase your work.

Go Paperless

Stop all future paper items from entering your home by transferring everything online. Going paperless with bank statements and bills will save you more space and will provide so much help in downsizing your belongings than you’ve imagined.

Only Keep What You Love

Downsizing experts advise you not to hold on to ordinary items and keep what you truly love. It’s okay to be emotionally attached to some of your belongings, but keep in mind that they are only material possessions and not a part of you.

Remember, if you want to simplify your life, less is more. If you are looking to get the right coverage for your possessions, contact the experts at James Page Insurance today. We are happy to answer any insurance-related questions.

10 Flu-Fighting Foods That Will Keep You Healthy

While the medical community tries to identify a cure for coronavirus, you can build your immunity to fight flu-like symptoms. Take a look at ten flu-fighting foods that will keep you fit and healthy.

What Foods Are Good for Fighting the Flu?

1. Mushrooms

Mushrooms contain glucans, a type of carbohydrate that gives it antiviral properties. Different varieties have varying amounts of glucans, so include the correct type in your dish.

2. Garlic

Garlic boosts your body’s natural killer cells and reduces the severity of flu symptoms. Raw garlic or aged garlic extract is the best form to consume.

3. Kiwi Fruit

If you are wondering which fruit is best for your flu symptoms, kiwi is what you need. One cup of kiwi gives almost 300% the average daily dose of vitamin C—a natural flu eradicator.

4. Greens

Spinach, kale, and other leafy vegetables have immune-enhancing nutrients such as vitamin C and E. It is best to eat them raw throughout your illness.

5. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are the best vegetarian source of zinc that reduces the length of colds. Consume the seeds without 24 hours after the symptoms show.

6. Plain Yogurt

The probiotics, or healthy bacteria, in yogurt and other fermented foods increase the activity of the body’s killer cells. Unsweetened varieties of yogurt have the best effect.

7. Oatmeal

A hot bowl of whole oats contains the immune-strengthening beta-glucan fiber, which builds body immunity.

8. Spices

Pepper and horseradish can reduce symptoms such as sinus and chest congestion. However, you should avoid spices if you have a sore throat.

9. Broth

Broth helps you get rid of a sore throat and relieve congestion. You can add chicken or vegetables to the soup if you want.

10. Water

Staying hydrated is the simplest way to build immunity. Consuming adequate water can eliminate toxins.

While these ten flu-fighting foods will build your immunity, it is always advisable to protect yourself with life insurance. For assistance with your coverage needs, contact the experts at James Page Insurance.

Get the Best Auto Insurance at the Lowest Cost

When shopping around for car insurance, understanding the factors that influence the cost of premiums can help you negotiate the best price. Here’s what auto insurance companies look at when giving you a quote.

Your Driving History, Habits, and Usage

Your insurer will check your driving record to understand risk levels. They will look at the number of accidents you’ve been in, the tickets you’ve received, DUI incidents, or claims made by you. At times, these factors might make it tough to get car insurance. Working on improving your record is a good practice.

Agents also look at car usage patterns such as distances driven and whether you can park in a secure location. Longer distances and unsafe parking zones can increase costs.

Type of Car and Its Condition

Factors like the safety rating, size, and sturdiness of the car, year of manufacturing, etc. affect the cost of the premium. The most effective way to lower your auto insurance rates is by maintaining your vehicle and driving responsibly.

Another factor is the attractiveness of the car, like a sports car, it is more likely to get stolen, resulting in a higher premium.

Your Demographic Group

Your age, gender, marital status, and the neighborhood you live in influence your car insurance premiums. Statistically, research indicates that teenage girls meet with fewer accidents than male teens, while married people tend to be in fewer accidents than single people.

Your Credit Score and Profession

Typically, lower credit scores and certain types of professions attract higher premiums. Law enforcement officers and sedentary workers attract lower auto insurance rates, while delivery drivers may attract higher premiums.

Also, the higher your credit rating is, the more you stand to save on insurance. Working to improve your credit score can lower your auto insurance costs over time.

These are some essential factors that can influence your auto insurance rates. If you are looking for a comprehensive policy for your car, contact the experts at James Page Insurance. Our dedicated team is ready to help you with all your coverage needs today.