
Parents have different opinions when it comes to buying a life insurance policy for their kids. While some believe it’s a great financial tool to protect a child’s future, others doubt whether it is required.

Before making your final decision, go through the advantages and disadvantages of buying a life insurance policy for your kids.


The Earlier, the Better

A child with a chronic disease may not be eligible for life insurance later. If you have a history of congenital conditions in your family, you might want to insure your child early. Once they are insured as a healthy child, they will be covered for the entire policy’s duration even if they fall sick later on.

Future Financial Protection

Most child life insurance policies are whole life policies that come with a savings account. Along with low premiums, your child will also benefit from the savings they can access for future needs or emergencies.

Coverage for Unexpected Expenses

A life insurance policy can provide you cash to cover the unexpected medical and other expenses. The policy will ease your burden during financial difficulty.


Unnecessary Expense

Life insurance is ideally taken by the breadwinners of the family to protect their families after death. Children rarely earn any income to support their families, which minimizes the need to have them covered. Besides, the cost of losing a child cannot be covered.

Alternative Saving Options

Experts who advise against purchasing a life insurance policy for kids say that such plans are outdated, and there are better options for protecting your child’s future.

Consider the requirements and your financial stability before buying a life insurance policy for your kids. To learn more about life insurance, contact the experts at James Page Insurance today. We can help you find the right insurance policy that meets your coverage needs and budget.


Move-in day can be overwhelming, especially if you don’t have a to-do list after move in. Here are a few important things to do after moving into a new home.

1. Get Your Utilities Running

The first task on your to-do list after moving in is to make sure that utilities like electricity, gas, and water are turned on. Call the providers to get these essential utilities.

After you are provided with the essential utilities, you can move on to getting other essentials like the internet, phone, and other services.

2. Unpack the Essentials

When you’re unpacking, start first with the essential items and slowly work your way up to other non-urgent stuff. You might want to proceed by preparing the two most important rooms, the bathroom and the bedroom.

Arrange your bathroom with shower curtains, towels, soap, shampoo, and toiletries that you’ll need for a shower. Set up your bed for a good night’s rest.

3. Update Your Address

Update the change of address to the post office and your old neighbors and friends.

Don’t forget to notify your address to your subscription services, bank, loan providers or online delivery services, and anyone else who sends you regular correspondence or bills.

4. Meet the Neighbors    

Meeting your new neighbors can be fun and exciting. Introduce yourself to them and get to know about them. Meeting new neighbors can help learn about your new community, nearby amenities, and get recommendations for local services if required.

5. Get Insured

An important thing to do after move-in is to get insured. You never know when a thunderstorm, fire, vandalism, or theft can damage your property. Secure your belongings with renters insurance right after you move in.

Follow these tips for a smooth and comfortable move-in day. To get the right coverage for your belongings, contact the experts at James Page Insurance today. We are ready to assist with all your insurance needs.


Whether you’re fishing a little late or taking your beloved one on a romantic moonlight cruise, nighttime boating may involve some risks. However, you can follow these essential safety tips while boating at night:

1. Have the Right Tools

Navigation lights are extremely crucial at night and make sure they’re working. The other tools you’ll require are life jackets, flashlights, plenty of fuel, a horn, a radio, and a fire extinguisher.

2. Slow Down

Visibility is reduced at night, which makes it harder to judge distance and see obstacles. You can easily confuse the lights from canoes and drifting boats with the lights onshore. Operate your boat with normal speed so that you can figure out the other boats moving around you.

3. Turn Down the Ambient Light

When you’re boating at night, the lights on your boat may impact your vision. Dim all the onboard lights, including Chartplotter and courtesy light, as much as possible.

4. Post a Lookout

You may have a lot to do when boating during the night, including monitoring the gauges, adjusting the throttle, and checking the Chartplotter. However, you also need to ensure that no other boats are approaching near to you.

5. Listen to Your Surroundings

You can rely on your hearing when you have limited vision. Keep the stereo low and pay attention to the foghorns, bells, and engines of other approaching boats.

6. Have the Right Clothing

You need to have the right clothing according to the weather. A blanket, sweatshirts, and extra towels may help to keep you comfortable during the summer.

The above safety tips will help you during nighttime boating. Looking for another way to protect your boat and personal watercraft? Have the right insurance in place. Contact the experts at James Page Insurance for all your coverage needs and questions.


Consistent sleep for 7 to 8 hours is important for our body to function properly. However, our busy life and certain sleep myths are taking a toll on our sleep. Here some of the most popular sleep myths are debunked.

1. Go to Bed Early to Sleep Sooner

We’ve all been told that if you do not feel sleepy, get into your bed, and you might fall asleep. The truth is that if you stay in bed without sleeping, an unhealthy connection between your bed and your wakeful state is established.

If you do not feel sleepy, engage yourself in some activities like meditation and relaxation, reading, or listening to music that can help induce sleep.

2. Snoring Is Harmless

Snoring can be a symptom of a severe sleep disorder called obstructive sleep apnea. This problem not only compromises your sleep quality but also increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

3. Sleeping on Weekends Can Compromise Your Lost Sleep During Week Days

Sleeping over the weekend doesn’t reverse the harmful effects of a lack of sleep during the week. It’s best to adhere to a consistent sleep schedule every night.

4. Alcohol Helps You Sleep

Alcohol will never help you fall asleep. It restricts your body from producing melatonin that is necessary for a relaxed sleep. If you drink alcohol before bed, you’re more likely to wake up frequently during the night and get less deep sleep.

5. Air Circulation Helps You Stay Awake While Driving

Just opening the car window or turning on the air conditioner when driving may not help you stay awake. If it’s difficult to stay awake while driving, stop the car and take a short nap instead.


These are some common sleep myths that you need to know to stop believing them anymore. If you need assistance with your health and life insurance coverage, contact the experts at James Page Insurance. We’re always available to answer all your insurance-related questions.